10 Awesome Places In Bhutan That Every Traveler Must Visit

Bhutan is a little Asian country that lies high in the Himalayan mountains, less known for the travel industry. Aside from the way that it includes amazingly complex systems to visit, the social and regular magnificence of Bhutan likewise stays stowed away from the world.

In case you are intending to dive into the excellence of Bhutan the travel industry, then, at that point, here’s a little assistance – a rundown of spots that ought to be remembered for your schedule. Bhutan the travel industry is revolved around the western and focal districts of the country, particularly in Thimphu, Paro, and Punakha. Notorious spots of Bhutan’s social excellence, journeying freedoms to the Himalayas and Buddhist destinations are situated here.


A wonderful high height objective, the capital city of Thimphu is home to the Buddha Dordenma, Memorial Chorten, Dechencholing Palace, Motithang Takin Preserve and the Clock Tower Square. Of these, the Buddha Dordenma is the most striking component of Thimphu – the huge brilliant sculpture of Shakyamuni Buddha. This 169 feet tall sculpture sits on a plated reflection lobby situated inside the Kuenselphodrang Nature Park and offers 10,000 foot perspectives of the southern entry of Thimphu. It houses 1,25,000 more modest sculptures of Buddha inside.

The cloisters of Dechen Phodrang, Tango and Cheri, and dzongs, for example, Tashichhoe and Simtokha are different spots to visit in Thimphu.


Settled in the Paro Valley and lying right close to the Paro River, Paro has been home to cloisters, authentic structures, and rich green fields. A stroll through the central avenues would take you past customary Bhutanese houses just as structures of rich and complex engineering. Paro is known for the alluring dzongs of Paro and Zuri, religious communities and royal residences like Paro Taktsang, Ugyen Pelri Palace and Pelri Goemba, and galleries and landmarks like Khangkhu Lhakhang, Bondey Lhakhang, Tago Lhakhang, the National Museum and Druk Choeding.